Feb 4, 2010

Things for Kiddos Thursday - Cooking Beans

Cooking beans is an activity that both Sweet Angel and Little Buddy love to do. It's easy and entertains them for a long time. Last time we played Little Buddy cried when it was time to put it away!

All you need is:

A large sheet or blanket
A bag of dried beans
Cooking pans and utensils (play or real)

I store the beans in a Tupperware container out of sight. If they see it they want to play!

Spread the sheet out on the floor. Have a quick discussion about no throwing or eating the beans. Let them start cooking you dinner.

Sweet Angel likes to make me a "birthday cake". They both sing to me and I blow out the "candle".

What activity do your kiddos love that is able to entertain them for a long time?

Come back tomorrow to check out Photography Friday!
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